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Planning is responsible for the long-range planning of Cramahe, including managing land uses and promoting efficient and effective development.
Implementation of the Township’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including site plan control, secondary plans, part lot control exemptions, zoning, subdivision approval, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land use decisions.
Planning works closely with building services, engineering and economic development to respond to general inquires related to land use in the Township as well as specific inquires related to development applications.
Here you will be able to see, review and comment on zoning by-law amendment applications and official plan amendment applications.
Planning is responsible for the long-range planning of Cramahe, including managing land uses and promoting efficient and effective development.
Implementation of the Township’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including site plan control, secondary plans, part lot control exemptions, zoning, subdivision approval, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land use decisions.
Planning works closely with building services, engineering and economic development to respond to general inquires related to land use in the Township as well as specific inquires related to development applications.
Here you will be able to see, review and comment on zoning by-law amendment applications and official plan amendment applications.
The Committee of Adjustment considers and may authorize minor variances from the zoning by-law, review and permit extensions and enlargements to legal nonconforming uses and can grant consent for severances (land division), when the severance application involves a variance and/or when the consent is in dispute and cannot be resolved without a hearing.
All decisions are subject to notice of the decision and all decisions made under the Planning Act are subject to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
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A minor variance is special permission that may be granted to a property owner upon application to the Township. A variance, in effect, excuses a land owner from a specific requirement of the Zoning By-law.
Section 45(1) of the Planning Act states that the Committee of Adjustment (Council) may authorize a minor variance from the provisions of the Zoning By-law. This authorization can occur “in respect of the land, building or structure or the use thereof, as in its opinion is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure, if in the opinion of the committee the general intent and purpose of the By-law and of the official plan, if any, are maintained.”
In accordance with the Planning Act, when evaluating an application for minor variance, Staff and the Committee of Adjustment must consider how the proposal meets the ‘four tests' of a minor variance. Each test must be met in order for the Committee of Adjustment to approve an application.
A minor variance application seeks permission to vary from the requirements of the Zoning By-law. Common variance applications seek minor relief from a side yard or front yard requirements. The Planning Act establishes four tests that the Committee must consider when arriving at a decision.
Four Tests
The variance must be minor in nature.
The variance must be desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure.
The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law must be maintained.
The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan must be maintained.
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