Planning Applications

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Planning is responsible for the long-range planning of Cramahe, including managing land uses and promoting efficient and effective development.

Implementation of the Township’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including site plan control, secondary plans, part lot control exemptions, zoning, subdivision approval, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land use decisions.

Planning works closely with building services, engineering and economic development to respond to general inquires related to land use in the Township as well as specific inquires related to development applications.

Here you will be able to see, review and comment on zoning by-law amendment applications and official plan amendment applications.

Planning is responsible for the long-range planning of Cramahe, including managing land uses and promoting efficient and effective development.

Implementation of the Township’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including site plan control, secondary plans, part lot control exemptions, zoning, subdivision approval, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land use decisions.

Planning works closely with building services, engineering and economic development to respond to general inquires related to land use in the Township as well as specific inquires related to development applications.

Here you will be able to see, review and comment on zoning by-law amendment applications and official plan amendment applications.

Page last updated: 04 Oct 2024, 10:40 AM